The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf 1-lb. Whole Coffee, Costa Rica La Cascada Tarrazu


SKU: 329754

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Product Description

Costa Rica La Casacada Tarrazu is exclusively available at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf®. It is comprised of coffee from quality, high altitude family farms in the Tarrazu region to create a taste that is unique and satisfying. It is medium-bodied with a fragrant aroma and bright crisp flavor. This coffee is slightly more complex than La Minita, with a bit more body. Grown in the Alumbre River Valley in the Tarrazu region of Costa Rica, this coffee is named after a waterfall on the Alumbre river, near where it intersects the Tarrazu River. It is grown at an average altitude of 4,500 feet. Coffee fruit is hand selected by the farmers and tendered for sale to our representative at the mill, where coffee fruits are pulped, fermented, fully washed, machine dried and meticulously sorted to remove imperfect beans. We roast this coffee to a medium color to highlight the subtle character. Pair it with fresh peaches or plums, or walnut coffee cake.

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The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf


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