Product Description
Sumatra Mandehling Dark has a smooth body with a smoky aroma and sweet earthy flavor. This coffee is taken further into the roasting spectrum by transforming the maltiness of the Sumatra into caramel, which adds more intensity to the aroma. Our Sumatra coffee is cultivated from Mandheling, the finest growing region in Sumatra in the Indonesian archipelago. The ideal growing altitude of 2,500 to 5,000 feet produces one of the world’s finest gourmet coffee. This coffee is semi-washed – a process in which the outer skin is removed in a fashion similar to the wet process. Once the skin is removed, however, the pulpy mucilage is left to dry on the bean. This process makes for a fruitier taste and stronger, heavier body. Pair it with fresh cherries, pecans, chocolate or carrot cake.
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