Wilton 24-c. Nonstick Avanti Mini Muffin Pan


SKU: 218441

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Product Description

Instead of making 12 big muffins, make 24 of them – just the right size for kids’ parties or for a brunch or luncheon. The mini muffin pan from Wilton has a special nonstick surface so sticking is never an issue. Cleanup is quick, too. Exceptional baking performance, superior construction and convenient design features make Avanti a pleasure to use. Commercial-weight construction helps prevent warping and will help distribute heat evenly. Wilton’s Everglide, metal-safe, nonstick surface resists scratching even from metal utensils. Oversized handles are designed for easier handling in and out of the oven even when wearing oven mitts. A lifetime limited warranty is included with your mini muffin pan.

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